Nost ar garlaicību – internetu pārņem ar ziediem, gleznām un smalkiem traukiem sapucēti ledusskapji
Foto: lynziliving/TikTok

Tagad modē ir dekorēt ledusskapjus. Nē, ne jau ar magnētiņiem, kas atgādina par apceļotajām valstīm! Laiks glauniem porcelāna traukiem, kuros sakārtotas olas un augļi, laiks gleznām, svaigiem ziediem vāzēs, lampiņu virtenēm un pat grāmatām!

Daudzus no šiem "TikTok" video, kurā lietotāji izrāda savus gleznainos ledusskapjus, pavada klasiskā mūzika vai koka flautas un līdzīgas melodijas, gluži kā pieskaņojoties kopējai estētikai.

@lynziliving Since I’ve decided to make fridgescaping a pillar of my personality, I thought it would be fun to explore some other people with beautiful refrigerators! The fridgescaping foremothers, so to speak. @Jenefertaylor - Absolutely stunning refrigerator and the first person I ever personally saw do this. Her use of produce is art in my opinion. Her refrigerator could inspire painters. I also love that she points out that doing this is for YOU. You’re the person looking at this everyday, which is exactly how I feel about it. I may be sharing this with the internet, but the internet isn’t the one smiling 20 times a day because you can’t quit looking at your refrigerator. @🌿RosemaryFairy🌿 - She doesn’t post fridgescaping, but she has posted what she calls her “girl fridge” and it’s lovely! It’s a great example of how you can beautify your refrigerator using vintage pieces and really make it your own. She’s also who inspired me to put art in my refrigerator, although I have zero understanding of how she hung hers in the back. I tried to no avail. Sorcery! @House of Bishop - Her Fridgescapes are just *chef’s kiss*. So classy! I particularly love her use of the bear glass containers and this little awning she sometimes uses for her butter, but really everything she does is perfection and she does sort of themed designs, which is my new obsession. @GardenofEve She may have been the one who started this all. I don’t really know, but she’s been posting her refrigerators for a very long time. She does really beautiful work and she also cooks (and shows receipts). For some reason people see this and have these responses like “they obviously don’t cook” or “where’s the food” and it’s wild. It’s BECAUSE I cook so often that this works for me. 😂 She’s the same way. Anyway, her refrigerator is chock-full of inspiration and wildly functional and she has me wanting to occasionally remove some shelves so I can add some flowers with height! If you have other favorite creators with beautiful refrigerators, tag them in the comments! #fridgescaping #refrigeratorgoals #refrigeratororganization ♬ Mendelssohn: Octet in E Flat Major, Op. 20, MWV R20 - IV. Presto - Emerson String Quartet

Komentāros kāds teicis, ka "šāds ledusskapis nav praktisks". Tad nu video īpašniece metusies ideju aizstāvēt. Proti, "no attiecībām brīvai sievietei vai ļoti mazai ģimenei, tas ir [praktisks]". Apraksta un rāda plaši – vīnogas ieliktas olas formas traukā, vāzē glīti sakārtotas rozes, redzama pat fotogrāfija ar trusi.

@plussizeadventures @gardenof_eve had the best idea adding #flowers and #petphotography to her #refrigeratororganization thought i’d show what you can do, even with a #smaller space #fridgerestock #organization #organize #cottagecore #icanbuymyselfflowers ♬ original sound - plussizeadventures

Galvenā idejas autore dalās arī ar savu ledusskapi, piebilstot, ka sākotnēji video ielikusi "Instagram", un tas guvis popularitāti, bet cilvēki arīdzan kļuvuši pikti. Viņa to nodēvējusi par "meiteņu ledusskapi" (girl fridge), un tajā ir gan pīts groziņš, gan glezniņa un vāze. Tomēr, salīdzinot ar citām versijām, šis vēl izskatās gluži pieticīgs.

@rosemaryfairy My fridge went viral on instagram and plenty of people were raging over it. I have more hope in tiktok but lets see 🤭✨❤️ #fridgeorganization #fridgecheck ♬ BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Billie Eilish

Šķietami galvenais šīs modes noteikums – visus iepirkumus nekavējoties izsaiņot un sakārtot glītos, saskaņotos traukos Tomēr kāds iet vēl tālāk – izmanto pat zelta krāsas svečturus, kas, protams, saskaņoti ar pārējiem traukiem. Produktu ziņā gan ledusskapis šķiet pavisam patukšs.

@rebeccathrifts Heard we’re now decorating our fridges. Thought I’d try my hand at fridgescaping using thrifted items! It’s giving brrrrrr- bridgerton! 🥶 #fridgeorganization #fridgescape ♬ Concerto No. 2 in E major, Op. 8, RV 269, "Summer": III. Presto. Tempo Impettuoso d'Estate - Baroque Festival Orchestra & I Musici Di San Marco

Vēl kāds izmantojis vārdu spēli sava ledusskapja iekārtošanai. Proti, trends nosaukts par "fridžertonu". Vārdu savienojumus iedvesmu guvis no populārā seriāla "Bridžertoni", kas vēsta par Londonas augstākās sabiedrības eliti un Bridžertonu ģimeni. "TikTok" lietotāja elegantos, smalkos cimdiņos rāda, kā viņa sapucē ledusskapi. Pat piena pakām tur nav vietas – pienu pārlej greznās stikla krūkās.

@lynziliving Replying to @sarahschneider550 This fridgerton refrigerator restock was honestly one of the most enjoyable things I’ve done in a while. I just started watching season 3 of Bridgerton, so what better time to romanticize my life with some fridgescaping? 😂 #fridgescaping #bridgerton #bridgertonnetflix #refrigeratororganization #refrigeratorrestock #restock @Netflix @Amazon Home @HomeGoods @anthro @Temu @House Beautiful ♬ Bridgerton (Wildest Dreams) - The Theme System

Daži aukstumskapji ir tik grezni, ka tajos jau skatam "ieperinājušies" pat putni, un ledusskapis jau teju atgādina mazdārziņu ar ziediem.

@thismessytablela #fridgegoals #fridgetok #fridgechallenge #fridgerton #foodstyling #fridgescaping #fridge #grazingtable #fypage #styling ##foodie #styling #entrepreneur ♬ Natural Beauty - Spiritual Gardens

Ir cilvēki, kas par modīgo tendenci piktojas, jo neredz nekādu praktisku jēgu. Ir arī tādi, kas iesmej, sakot – cilvēki ir dusmīgi, jo paši nevar to atļauties. "Tu vienkārši esi nabadzīgs. Tev nav laika pārliet pienu glaunās stikla krūkās. Nav laika augļus ielikt groziņā un tos sakārtot. Tu neliec ledusskapī grāmatu. Tu gribētu būt šāda līmeņa bezdarbnieks. Bet nevari. Nevari pat aizpildīt savu ledusskapi ar ēdienu," ironizē lietotājs Shabaz Says.

@shabazsays If you’re not fridgescaping.. what are you doing? 🤯🤯#duet #stitch with @lynziliving #fridgescaping #restock #restocking #bridgeton ♬ original sound - Shabaz Says

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